The Shell Game
August 14, 2020
What we gonna do?
August 16, 2020
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copyright of Jamila A. Stone. Do not reproduce or download



The Sky is your limit my lady,
seek freedom in the heavenly fields of those past seekers.
Unwanted love cannot be bestowed on to you,
you can answer the one you love in the far off land where no evil may follow you.
You are like a kite that is held on to by string,
wild and free as the wind blows yet held down.
You too my child, my lady can be as free and wild as the wind blows.
Run as fast as you can from these confinements,
seek a guide you can trust and go beyond the horizon where no evil can follow.
Do not look back now my lady your chains are broken and your unwanted love still sleeps,
run, run to the lands of earlier seekers, and love and be free on that never ending land.

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