Vortex:Chapter 1
October 11, 2020
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October 21, 2020
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Vortex:Chapter 2

I’ve decided to post a chapter a week of my old novel(2011) Vortex. I won’t be editing the story to keep the authenticity of this sharing experiment. You’ll just have to enjoy my young raw developing talent as is.

Copyright © by Jamila A. Stone. Do not copy or repost any parts of content.


Two weeks later


I didn’t tell anyone about me going to the club knowing they’ll be upset. I did however tell them that I know the name of the master vampire so we’ll be able to listen to the right gossip around. I and a few hunters are teaming up to interrogate and kill some vampires. My team of seven and I storm their nest quickly taking them out. Spreading about in pairs to be quicker, I and my partner take hold of a vampire and begin to chain him up. When the place is cleared we go about the interrogation part.

“James, Kate go guard the back and Lance, Bill guard the front.” I look at the chained up vampire in a chair and smirk at him. I take out a blade and chuckle when he starts to struggle to get free. I love torturing, always have since I started that part of training with my father. My father taught me the basics but I always went further and didn’t care they were in immense pain and choking on their own blood. Gore doesn’t bother me. I thrust the twelve inch Bowie knife right below his collar bone and shove it down his chest towards the left. His screams please me then he starts cursing at me. “Now now, that’s not what I want to hear” I look over to the hunter on my right signaling him to jump in. He punches the vampire in the face then takes out lighter fluid and pours it over the vampire’s hand. “Let’s try this again.” I pull out a lighter and smile seeing the vampire process what was about to happen. “Tell me where this woman is that the master sired.” It’ll be crazy to kill the childe of a master especially if the childe is loved but Michael is rumored to have left the city already. We don’t want a vampire sired from a master vampire to be in our city, alive for that matter.

“I don’t know bitch!” The vampire tries breaking out the chains while yelling. I make a ‘tsk’, ‘tsk’ noise then light his hand on fire. I get off on his pain and laugh at him. “You know I think you are toying with me and I don’t like that.” I pull out some pliers and clip them a few times and walk closer to him and yank his head back. “Now can a vampire be a vamp without his fangs?” Looking straight into his eyes crudely and pulls one out roughly.

“Dang Angel you didn’t have to neuter him.” One of the hunters beside me says laughing and shakes his head.

“Yeah I did. It’s so much more entertaining. And I like being entertained.” The vampire finally starts to break as the pliers come closer back towards his mouth.

“Alright, alright the bitch is on the upper west side where those demon brothers were killed. Michael set her up in a penthouse but now she’s moved in to some rich family’s home over there far as I know.” I smirk at the hunters around me then yank the remaining fang out the vampire’s mouth and walk away.

“Kill him” Walking out I ignore the screams from the vampire and leave the building into the cool night air. I check my weapons then wipe my hand of blood waiting for everyone to come out the building. “Alright guys let’s see if this chick is home.”

“Angel you got to be kidding.” A few hunters break out in disagreement. I stay quiet and Lance looks at me and knows I’m not joking. I walk to the car and get in starting the engine letting them know I’m not joking and to get a move on. We all drive to the location and quickly use the net to see if there are any reports of a wealthy family being killed in the area so we’ll have a good idea of which house Michael’s childe is staying at. I am anxious to see how this childe looks and her strength. A part of me wants to see what his type is and the other part of me wants the thrill of killing the childe of a master. We get a good lead of which house the childe is most likely in by time we arrive at the neighborhood block. The house is nice looking not something you think a vampire would live in. I get out the car just taking in the surroundings and look the house over. “Three of you go in from the back. Two climb up onto the upper deck and be careful it might be her bedroom. Zeke and I will go in the front. Be swift and alert guys if this is the childe of Michael he might’ve made her into a master vampire and she’ll be dangerous. Taking a look to Zeke we nod our heads at each other then head to the front door as everybody else goes to their positions and soon as I see two of the hunters reach the upper deck of the house I signal Zeke to break in.

We rush in guns up at the ready and I hear everyone else breaking in. I hear commotion upstairs and quickly turn on a light switch down stairs and go to make my way upstairs but stop when Bill comes falling down the steps. The female vampire jumps right down too and moves like lightening off the long steps out the way of the bullets aimed at her. As the hunters come and surround her trying to kill her I observe her movements for an opening and find none until she grabs a hunter. That quick pause is enough for me. I kick a small love seat at her using the extra slowness in her movements to punch her in the face and roll out the way of the gun fire. She’s quick but not an experience fighter and gets hit with a few bullets. It’s still not enough to kill her. Lance and I move in and go into hand to hand combat with her seeing her weakness of not being experienced in protecting herself. We’re able to change the course of the fight and come on top. I remove a small shot gun from the holster on my back and shoot the bitch in the right leg then in the stomach.

“Hold your positions.” I hold my hand up to stop anyone from doing anything as the female vampire in laying on the ground bleeding heavily. I smile down at her and stomp my foot down hard on her ribs where there’s a large hole from the shot gun blast. She screams out in pain. “Let’s go you guys.” I never told anyone that I had intentions of keeping Michael’s childe alive. I want Michael and this chick to know I can easily kill her as she now knows.

“What are you out of your mind!” I must have heard from every single hunter and it makes me smile as I listen to them yell confused.

“Maybe I am but I want Michael, he is the master and the threat to us not this pathetic vampire. She’s not even a challenge for us. I want her to crawl to her master then I want to see if he’ll come back and avenge his childe.” Everyone continues to argue with me and it’s starting to piss me off. I punch the closest one to me hard as I can and see blood spurt from his mouth.

“Enough! I don’t care what you think you want to kill her you got to go through me. I want Michael and that’s it. Anyone who wants to stay, feel free to.” I point my shot gun at everyone not caring to shoot anyone of them except of course Zeke or Lance. With more complaints and calling me all types of insane they leave out but Zeke grabs the gun from me then holds it on his shoulder. They all could have over powered me but not without serious injury.

“You’re being foolish Eliza. What is it about this vampire that has you being so damn stupid?” Zeke is the only one that can make me feel a bit bad. He tosses my shotgun at my feet and just walks off and I look down at the vampire whose wounds have already begun to heal. “Do me a favor love and tell Michael the one who harmed you was Angel.” I look down at her then aim my pistol at her head and shoot her twice.

I head home in silence thinking of how long it will take Michael to find out what I did to his childe and if he’ll care. The thought of him coming after me thrills me and many would say that’s a pure death wish but not to me. I live for a good slay. Once I get in the house I go to my room and sleep wanting to rest up and to avoid my boys giving me the third degree about my decision. In the morning I head straight to the gym to work out and end up staying there for hours until hunger makes me leave. Going to a Chinese restaurant I check my watch and see its four o’clock in the early evening. While eating a guy comes and sits at my table in front of me without even asking. It pisses me off that he just invited himself but there’s something off about him.

“After what you did last night you should be in hiding.” The man speaks as if he is actually a threat to me making me chuckle right at him and take another bite of my food. I now see the reason why this guy came over. But I still don’t know who he is, how he knew who she was, and who sent him.

“I’m not much for hiding and I got hungry. Who are you that should be giving me advice?” I look at him amused showing him he isn’t fazing me and I continue to eat my food taking note of my surroundings for anyone who might be with this guy.

“I’m a mere human as you know so I doubt I could do any harm to you but my Mistress’s sire will have your head. She’s already told him and she’s sent me to warn you. You’ll be dead within days.” I look at this guy all amusement gone from my facial expression. I move my foot in place under his chair unnoticed and take out a blade from the inside pocket of my jacket.

“Well maybe I’ll be dead in days but you, you’re dying today.” I yank his chair with my foot towards me as hard as I can and it provides enough force to bring him half way across the table over to me allowing me perfect access to his head. I grab him by the hair lifting his head up and slice his throat. I clean my blade and walk out the restaurant like nothing happened at all. It means nothing to me to kill a human. To many hunters it’s wrong. You only kill evil, but me I will kill anyone who gets in my way. Whatever mission I have going on I will finish at any cost. But though I will kill another human without pause if they get in my way or are working for the enemy I won’t openly tell anyone I am killing them. If I do then hunters will think I’ve gone to the dark side and they’ll try eliminating me and I don’t have time for all that aggravation. I do what needs to be done and I don’t care for what anybody has to say.


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