Vortex:Chapter 2
October 18, 2020
House of The Insane Sisters-A great Suspense/Mystery novel
October 25, 2020
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Come celebrate my 30th birthday with me! Covid-19 won’t stop me from celebrating.

Hello all, I am turning 30 years old Nov 29th. Wooo Hooo! The BIG 3! 0! I want to celebrate with you all!

Nothing will make me happier on this big momentous birthday than you all buying one of my books and joining my bday bash and book signing event.

Please buy copies of my books(soon as possible for faster shipping ON MY WEBSITE) and join me for a facebook live Covid-19 free event. You do not need a facebook account just click this link https://www.facebook.com/JamilaAshaStone on the day at the start time until the end time.

I’m an author who writes in multiple genres. I will discuss mainly my upcoming books Gates’ Bookstore(Dec 2020-Murder Mystery) and Darkness Awaits (April 2021-Urban Fantasy) and answer all of your questions.

Read reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, ReadersFavorite


BUY BOOKS HERE! If you buy elswhere like Amazon your book won’t come to me so I can sign it during this virtual event and ship it to you before release dates.


The first 10 who RSVP early will get a free ebook copy of the book of their choice.

The first 10 who buy a hardback cover(not paperback) book will get a free ebook copy of their choice.

If you need help making your purchase online reach out. You can write the publishing company a check.



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