House of The Insane Sisters-A great Suspense/Mystery novel
October 25, 2020
The Wild Wild West
October 27, 2020
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Vortex:Chapter 3

I’ve decided to post a chapter a week of my old novel(2011) Vortex. I won’t be editing the story to keep the authenticity of this sharing experiment. You’ll just have to enjoy my young raw developing talent as is.

Copyright © by Jamila A. Stone. Do not copy or repost any parts of content.


It’s the fourth day after my team and I busted into the house where Michael’s childe was staying at and I’ve grown restless. Michael is taking too long for me to get back to the city. I got so impatient I went to a vampire club again. Well mostly I went to amuse myself after the human servant to Michael’s childe was sent to threaten me and go into a place full of vampires and walk out alive. Needing to do something with myself other than waiting around I take a case. There are strange deaths happening outside the city about ten miles out. I ride my motorcycle there and start to feel alone as the big buildings disappear and houses are separated by large land. I like being by myself but I always need to live in a busy kind of area and where I am now is too quiet for me, it’s not normal. I drive to the areas where the deaths happen and look for clues. I park at a boarded up house where the last killing was and go inside taking a look around. No one would know I was there. The closest neighbor is too far down to even hear a scream which makes this area perfect for murders. Moving through the house on guard the blood remains are still around giving me a clear idea of how everything played out. I’m thinking some kind of demon since the only werewolf that was in town I killed and most just pass through or stay on the far south side just on the rim of the city.

I go outside having an idea of which demon it can be and try looking for fresh tracks. Outside I circle the house and see a thick fluid on the bottom side of the house and bend down to better examine it. While poking it with a twig I hear some rustling to my right and stand up trying to get a better sense of where the sound came from. The grass wasn’t that tall but there is a small wooden area in the back of the house and I think I see a moving figure. ‘Fuck the demon is still here’ I whisper out loud to myself as I pull out my twelve inch blade not having anything else having thought the murder would be long gone. Instead of heading back to my bike or standing  back up I move slowly through the large yard towards the woods hopping that this killer is something I can handle it being too dark for me to want a powerful beast on my hands. Finally I see a clear dark figure so I stop moving forward still not too far from the house waiting to see if this creature will come forward or run. If it runs I’m not that crazy to give chase in an area I don’t know. As I stand the figure just disappears making me think if I was originally seeing things until I hear a familiar voice.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone.” I freeze in shock and fear as I hear the voice of Michael. I want to fight him but I wanted to do so on my own turf and with more weapons. I have no idea why he’s here. He can’t be the one responsible for all the murders in the area the signs not being from a vampire and Michael was gone during the kills.

“I can defend myself. Your childe should know that.” I turn around shoving my fear down and smirk at him while taking a quick moment to look him over. He is still just as hot as I remember him but he looks more rugged like he’s been living on the move. I’m in no position to piss him off but I can’t help to rub what I did to his progeny in his face.

“That weak excuse for a vampire was just my eyes and ears while I took care of some business she’s not anything special to me.” Michael is calm and collective not what I expected or even wanted. He walks towards me looking me in my eyes and gives a smile like he knows something I don’t. “What interests me the most is how badly you wanted to see me again.”

“Only reason I wanted to see you again is to kill you” I lunge forward trying to slash him with my blade but he moves too quick for me and appears behind me again. Swiftly I spin around to elbow him but he blocks me and grabs my arms tight holding me against him.

“Let me go asshole.” Struggling before I’m able to headbutt him I kick off his knee to jump away from him putting distance between us. “I wanted to kill you in the city but I guess this will do.”

“Feisty, I love a wild passionate woman like you, though most of that passion is to kill me.” I can’t help but to scoff at him and his attempt to seduce me with his lazy smirk his fangs showing. Michael with his telekinetic powers makes it feel like he is right up on me his lips on my shoulder while his hand rest on my waist but he is in reality three feet from me.

“Guess your mother never taught you to keep your hands to yourself.” I fold my arms looking him in the eyes giving my own sexy smile as I walk right up to him without fear. He’s playing with me so I know he isn’t going to go for the quick kill.

“She taught me how to always show a woman my appreciation.”

“And what do you appreciate about me, my killing skills?” Only inches away from him I lean my head in slightly as my eye lids slowly close as if his scent is intoxicating me. Placing him right into my own trap I stab him with the blade in my hand I was hiding into his stomach. I shove it in harder and look up in his eyes with a satisfied grin on my face until I see no pain in his face.

“You should’ve aimed elsewhere.” Michael grabs my hand and twists my hand hard making the blade twist too and all he does is groan a second before shoving my hand and the blade away from him. I start to think it might be best not to try killing Michael right now but run and kill him later. I’m about to say something when I hear movement in the woods. I can tell Michael heard it too and is taking a more serious demeanor.

“I’ll handle the demon you won’t be able to kill him with the blade alone Angel. We’ll continue this later.” I open my mouth to argue I don’t need his help and he can’t tell me what to do when he vanishes. I just grumble while heading back to my bike hopping Michael gets his ass kicked by the demon.

I don’t hurry back home annoyed that I didn’t have the weapons to kill Michael or even at least finish my case. I drive to a club wanting to release the pint up energy and need to kill from not finishing off what I was hunting. I go first to the bar and take a few shots before moving onto the dance floor. While dancing I scope out the place looking for a guy that can provide some release for me. Many guys and some women dance with and around close to me but none fit what I’m looking for. A guy by the pool table in the back looks like he fits the profile. I walk off the dance floor and over to him checking him out on the way. He has a good built and looks like he can handle himself, and a bit of a dangerous look, which is what I want. Tonight I need a guy I can use but won’t let me use them so easily.

“Nice stroke. Can I get in on the fun?” I smile at the man when he gets two balls in with one hit.

“Thanks. You can dance really well but I don’t want to take your money.” I don’t watch as the guy’s friend takes his turn keeping my eyes locked on the one I’m taking home.

“So you were watching me, huh? I’m confident that you won’t win so we would be playing for more than money.” I give him a suggestive smile and come closer to him and take the pool stick out his hand. “I’ll take your shot for you.” I see a way to get three of the balls in and know it’s an extremely difficult shot but being a hunter you have to be able to have precision. I bend over a little extra showing off the roundness of my ass and make the shot. Standing straight up again I hand the stick back over to him placing it against his chest allowing my hand to slide down his stomach then move away. “How about we go play another game? You might be better in that.”

“Impressive shot, whatever game we play I’ll be on top the whole time, winning.” He says goodbye to his friend and boldly slides his hand on my lower back and walks out the club. Little does he know, he’s in for a rough ride. Soon as we get outside I pull him facing me and kiss him hard and grin when he pushes me against the building wall thinking he’s in control. I shove him back easily and tell him to meet me at the motel close by not going to leave my ride. I don’t wait to listen to him saying he can drive me back to get my bike later. I just walk away not saying a word and get on my motorcycle and drive off knowing he’s going to follow. I wait for him and skip going to pay for a room just heading straight to a door and picking the lock. He laughs about how dangerous and bad I am and I just roll my eyes thinking it’s just picking a lock not a dangerous crime and kiss him again to shut him up. We move into the room lip locked and removing our clothes. He grabs my breast with his hand and I quickly slap him hard in the face. I restrain myself from laughing at his shocked and mad expression but a smile does creep up.

“Sorry, natural reaction.” I walk up to him smiling and place a kiss on the side of his lips then gently bite down on his bottom lip as I grab his hand and move it up my stomach to my breast making him squeeze it.”

“Oh so you like it rough. Fine with me” He snaps out of his shock and pull me tight against him and with his own strength squeezes my breast hard grinning at me as if he was really doing something. It was hard but not hard enough. I kiss him again sliding my hands over his body as we walk over to the bed. I break the kiss and shove him down onto the bed taking a moment to look at his hot body before straddling him. We kiss again the four play aggravates me so I spice things up wrapping my hands around his neck choking him. Having his life in my hand arouses me and his attempts to get me off him make me laugh in his face. He punches me the strength of the impact not doing much. “I thought you like it rough.” I mock him and grind into him. “Come on baby please me.” I give a fake pout and let him go. Before he can try attacking me I grab my gun to make sure I get full cooperation. I flop down on the bed and spread my legs open then aim the gun at him.

“You’re a crazy bitch.”

“Yeah I am come be crazy with me or die. Get on your knees and put that mouth to better use.” He shakily does what I say and once I reach my climax I snap his neck killing him. I was hoping for the night to go better than it did but he just didn’t have that edge I wanted and just bored me with his weak four play I had to kill him. I look down at his limp body feeling ashamed that I killed an innocent allowing the darkness in me to come out. I have darkness in me that I try to keep hidden but few times like these I allow it out. I can’t waste time beating myself up not wanting to leave any evidence or get caught. Quickly I clean the room then set it on fire so if the room doesn’t get completely burned down there won’t be anything to lead to me.

I leave knowing Zeke and Lance will start to worry about where I’m at and I don’t want them to start looking for me never wanting them to know just how dark I can be. The air is steady, warm for night time which makes me feel constricted, paranoid that someone is watching me. I ride back home wanting to shower the night’s events away and try sleeping. As I lock up my bike in the front of the house I feel a powerful essence near and know already its Michael. I don’t know though why he’s here or how if he knows where I live.

“Not in the mood to kill you tonight. Come back tomorrow.” I don’t bother looking around for him. I keep walking to the front door to go inside knowing Michael won’t be able to get past our protection barriers.

“Probably because you’ve already killed tonight, me I can kill many in the same night.” I turn around shock clearly on my face.

“You know contrary to popular belief, stalking isn’t a hot vampire trait. You act like a new born then a master.” I aim for a low blow knowing masters have a huge ego and hate being seen as anything but Gods. And I’m proven right as he has me slammed and pinned against my house.

“Babe you love getting me all revved up. I’m curious as to why you have such a death wish” Michael holds my throat in a viper like grip cutting off my windpipe. As I’m near blacking out he lets me go but keeps me up on my feet holding me by my waist. I struggle to find strength in my feet coughing and gasping for air.

Michael leans into my ear. “Don’t worry I won’t fulfill your wish. I’ll give you a new life soon.” I look at him hearing the honesty in his words but not understanding why he wouldn’t want to kill me. But I catch on to the last part as my worst nightmare, becoming a vampire. There’s no moment to figure out how I’m feeling for him once again sparing my life, anger at towards him, and some fear when he yells out. I don’t know what’s going on until he yells out again and turns around giving me view to what’s the cause. My team must have heard us out here and sounded the alarm. Retracting rods attached to large thick chains that shoots right through the body and explodes out on contact, are in Michael. One shoots in his chest and the other two in his shoulders. I look up to see the hunters up on the building roof across the street holding the large chains.

“Angel, get out of there!” A hunter yells at me and I know a few hunters will be coming in closer surrounding Michael to kill him but everything is happening so fast I don’t know what to do. I should move to the side of my teammates and take Michael out but there’s something in me that wants to save him for not killing me. I quickly make a decision to save him as hunters come in and surround us and Michael falls to the ground as another pole goes through his neck. If the poles weren’t lubricated with poison we get from witches he might have a chance on his own. It immediately starts to kill a vampire in a painful way.

“Wait! Everyone stand down.” Michael is trying his best to fight and get away but I know his fate is set to die if I don’t help him. I move at a face pace up to a hunter rushing in and disarm him and shoot a chain that holds Michael’s right arm so it’s easier for him to break. With an arm free he rips the chains from the roof and I shoot breaking the one in his neck and watch him run off.

“Angel what the hell you just let him go!” I compose myself and turn around with an evil smirk on my face.

“I know. If we kill him it’ll be putting him out of his misery. We letting him go lets him go die a painful death. You know what all the poison will do to him, that’s a very painful death.” They all look at me like I’ve gone mad but they know I tell the truth but most might think letting him die like that is just like being one of them. I turn and walk into my house not bothering to say anything else to anyone knowing my reason for letting him go was to save his life.


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