The Wild Wild West
October 27, 2020
November 1, 2020
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The Wild Wild West-Ep2

She-Wolf-Episode 2


Clara kicks a chair over. “Damn it! Who was that?” She paces before kicking another chair.

“I have no idea who that was. No one should have known about the travelers.” Clay deals out cards to those at the table. “Sit, play a hand and relax.”

Clara draws her gun and points it at Clay. “Don’t tell me to relax. That was a lot of money I just lost. You were the one who gave my men and I the tip.”

“I swear to you I didn’t tell anyone else, now put that away.” Clay holds his hands up to his shoulders.

Clara lowers her gun to its holster then without warring flips the gun pointing at Clay and shoots him dead. “Albert collect the money and let’s go.” She turns and walks to the bar counter taking a pitcher of beer from the bartender and drinks from it.

Lottie enters the gambling house and walks up to Clara. “I might have another opportunity for us. An English shipment is coming through the….”

“We’re not pirates Lottie.” Clara interrupts.

“I know that. The shipment is being put on a train. Silver and gold for the taking, our taking.” Lottie takes the pitcher and drinks from it.

“How did you come by this information?” Albert approaches them.

“The sheriff just told me. His wife left him for some rich gentleman that’s going to build his own town. They’re heading for the train and if we agree to bring his wife back he will tell us where to go to intercept the train.”

Clara thinks silently. Albert and Lottie let her quietly until Charles comes stumbling in with two women. “Lottie tell the sheriff he has a deal.


Sheriff’s Office


Clara shoves the sheriff against a wall. “Why are you playing games with me? I will burn this town to ashes.”

“Do not threaten me She-Wolf. This town offers you a lot. You bring my wife back and I keep half of what you steal. I do have the information.”

“We agreed on returning your wife and in return we keep what we can take.” Clara takes her gun out and shoves it under his chin. “I don’t like your offer or what this town has to offer if its going to cheat me.”

“You sure you don’t like what White Oaks has to offer?”

Clara turns her head not removing the gun from his chin. The sweet voice pulling her from where she stands. Clara takes in the sight of the arrival, eyes lingering over her frame.

“Martha James.” Clara breathes out the woman’s name invoking a smile of amusement from the other woman. “What a pleasure to see you again.” Clara yanks then shoves the sheriff at Albert. “Deal with him for me. Once the arrangements are made find me.” Clara approaches Martha who turns and walks out the office.

“I should have known you would still be up to no good She-Wolf.” Martha turns around and leans against the porch post. “Last time I was here you were the town’s marshal. What happened?”

Clara leans against the side of the post, eyes roaming the expanse of Martha’s breasts that threaten to spill out of her dress. “You know it’s hard for me to stay in one place. I’m a traveler. Especially when the sheriff is a jerk.”

“Except when it’s to travel across the sea.”

Clara sighs straightening up to stand on her own weight and walks down the steps getting some much-needed distance between her and Martha. Martha walks down to her side. “I told you why I couldn’t go to France with you.” Clara never plans to go back home. It never was home.

“History not worth discussing.” Martha places her hand on Clara’s arm and faces her. “I’ve missed your eyes.” She tilts back Clara’s hat grinning.

Clara removes her hat and places it on top of Martha’s head. “Is that all you missed? She winks and pulls Martha roughly against her smiling brightly as Martha giggles.

Martha pushes away quickly. “Careful Clara.” She glances around.

“Clara, how good to see you.” Clara stiffens up at the voice of Simon, Martha’s older brother, a banker that’s highly regarded in France. His tone suggests he still does not like Clara. “Martha, we must be going.” He steps between Clara and Martha.

“Brother, are you not supposed to be at a meeting with the miners? Do not worry about me, I remember my way back home.” Martha meets Clara’s eyes for a split-second giving Clara enough of a hint to avoid another battle and just wait.

“Simon, Martha welcome back home. We must get together soon so I can hear all about your adventures back home in France. I have to get back to the sheriff and go over some business.” Clara smiles then walks back into the sheriff’s office lingering next to a window. She waits until Simon departs from Martha.

“We have a job to do Clara. I am not saving you from another hanging because you are found violating a noblewoman.” Lottie smiles when Clara jumps startled then shoves her away.

“I saved myself by killing the witnesses. Martha and I were just talking about her trip to France, nothing more. Don’t you worry.” Clara pulls herself away from the window.

“You would not have had the chance to kill the witnesses if I didn’t shoot you down from the rope. You should be thankfull for my great aim or your neck would have been broken.” Lottie walks outside and Clara follows.

Seconds later Albert comes out. “The sheriff is seeing things our way now. I have the location to intercept the train. We need to inform the others and leave now so we can get into position. We only have a few hours to get to the proper spot.”

“You tell them. I have to gather supplies from the General store.” Clara walks to where she had tied her horse up.

Lottie smirks following her. “We can all go together. I’m sure we all need some things.”

Clara runs her fingers through her hair. “My hat, I’ve lost it. You all go to the store and I’ll go look for my hat. I can’t leave without my hat.” She unties her horse and quickly mounts it trotting off.

“Tell Martha we said hello and hurry up.” Clara hear Lottie shout behind her. She growls noting to kick Lottie’s ass later.


Clara passes Martha’s big brick house knowing her horse will be too recognizable with her distinguishable white spots on her sandy body. Once she’s far enough Clara dismounts. “Wait here girl.” Gunfire goes off. She ducks bringing out her guns ready to fire but the shooters are just drunk cowboys. “You all be careful! If my horse gets hit, I’m going to kill you all!”

“We’re just having fun She-Wolf, we don’t want any trouble.”

Clara frowns and hurries along to Martha’s house going behind buildings until she’s sure she isn’t seen then quickly enter the front door. Just as the door closes, she is pushes against it. Her lips clash with Martha’s.

“What kept you?” Martha breathes out as she pulls off Clara’s coat and works to unbutton her shirt.

“I didn’t keep you waiting long.” Clara grabs Martha lifting her up into her arms and carries her to the bedroom. Once there she sets her back on her feet making quick work with undressing. “How much time do we have?”

“Enough.” Martha steps out of her garments turning for Clara to undo her corset. Once naked she lays on the bed with a beckoning smile that can have deadly consequences. Lottie’s words briefly enter her mind. If caught by the wrong people, she could be locked up or worse hung. She shoves the thought out of her mind as Martha spreads her legs.

Clara positions herself above Martha and captures her lips in a hungry kiss. Their tongues clash, lips locking with need. Clara moans loudly as Martha thrust her hips forward, her wet desire rubbing against Clara’s thigh. Clara breaks the kiss trying to hold onto her sanity. “It’s been too long.” She whispers against Martha’s lips.

She kisses Martha’s neck not applying much pressure careful not to leave any marks. She trails her tongue down to plump round breast giving each a turn of her affections. “Clara, I need more now.” Clara smirks and grabs both breast in her hands slapping them together before flicking the right nipple with her tongue. Martha begins to thrust her hips again. Her moans louder. Martha grips the sheet as Clara swiftly thrust two fingers inside of her flowing vagina. Clara curls her fingers slowly twirling them. She pulls her fingers out and slides the wetness over Martha’s breast one at a time roughly sucking and licking the sweet stickiness off until they’re bright red.

Martha pulls Clara up by the hair so she can kiss her. “Clara, please. Please sweetie I can’t take anymore.” Her breath is labored as she slides her hands down Clara’s body. They both close their eyes as her owner fingers enter Clara, pumping at a teasingly slow pace. “Together.”

Clara rest her head against Martha’s forehead quaking with agonizing pleasure. “No.” She pulls Martha’s hand away and stands up. Before Martha can protest Clara tugs her down the bed and grins. “Get on your knees.” Clara massages her own breast struggling to hold back her own need to be touched. Martha turns onto her stomach propping her butt up in the air with a shake chipping away at Clara’s stability.

Clara slaps Martha’s ass lightly then again harder until Martha spread her legs more getting in the position, she knows Clara likes. Clara lowers herself to the floor mouth watering at the sight before her. She swallows then places wet kisses on Martha’s thighs and cheeks. Martha squirms exciting Clara to bite and suckle the spot she had planned to just kiss. She repeats in a few more spots then stop upon hearing Martha yelp. She went too far. She breathes through her wildness reigning it back at the sight of a trickle of blood over the teeth impressions she left behind. Clara grabs Martha’s hips and pulls her against her face as she drives her tongue inside of her wet folds swirling deep as she can.

She groans as Martha starts to bounce against her losing her control as she quakes and screams. Clara removes her tongue focusing on swiping and flicking Martha’s clit. A few swipes are all it takes before Martha reached her peak and is biting the sheets to keep their activities secret. Clara slides her own fingers over her own swollen folds and pleasures herself as she continues to pleasure Martha. Her tongue speeds up as her fingers do inside of herself. To hold back her own scream Clara closes her mouth over Martha’s folds sucking hard as her orgasm hits her. Martha becomes limp hitting down in Clara’s mouth her clit hits against Clara’s teeth shocking her with painful ecstasy back onto her knees. Clara grabs her thighs lifting her as she stands still fucking her inner walls as she tosses Martha onto her back pushing her up the bed with just her mouth.

“Clara stop.” Martha pushes against Clara convulsing so bad she can’t keep a good grip her hands move frantically to anchor herself. Clara slides her tongue out drinking her fill ignoring Martha’s verbal protest as her hips continue to grind against her face. Clara nips Martha’s clit and digs her nails into her hips as she tries to retreat. Clara yanks her back in place and flicks her tongue with renewed determination until Martha is screaming her name.

Clara kisses up Martha’s quaking body and closes her eyes as their bodies rest against each other. She places gentle kisses against Martha’s parted lips and her neck holding her through her trip over the edge.

“My turn.” Martha hoarsely states with a smile and pushes Clara onto her back.


Train Robbery


Bill, Lottie, Albert go on the other side of the tracks by the fork that’s where we will have time to pass you all whatever we find. Make sure you pack the wagon fast and head straight to the meet up spot. Cassidy, Charles come you’re with me. We’ll go down and get onto the train and get all we can. The shipment shouldn’t be too heavily guarded.” Clara draws out the plan ignoring the squirming and kicking from the sheriff’s wife that they had captured where the sheriff said they’ll find her. “When the train slow down expecting to pick her and her lover up we’ll jump on board.”

“Your wolf is going to give us away.” Charles puts out his cigarette.

“I tried to get Brother to stay behind but he’s being stubborn. He’ll lay low behind Halona.” Clara pats her horse who snorts. Charles and the others laugh.

They all depart from each other and wait. Once the train comes in sight Clara focuses on keeping her emotions even and calm. “Behave and you’ll live.” She snarls and waits as the train slows down just a bit and two men position at the back of a cart hold their hands out for who they think is the wife and her lover. Clara grabs on keeping her head down. Once steady on her feet she kicks the men off. Clara picks up the sheriff’s wife and whistles for Charles and Cassidy then tosses the woman to Charles. Clara helps Cassidy get on board then Charles. “We move fast. Don’t get greedy. Grab what we can and try not to kill too many people.”

Cassidy climbs on top of the train moving to another cart while Charles and Clara go through the cart they are on and steal everyone’s jewelry and money. “This is a robbery. If you do as we say no one will get hurt. Do not scream or get up. Stay where you are and enjoy your evening.”

She makes her way to the back of the train to the storage cart where Cassidy will meet them. Clara turns in time to see three marshals enter the cart and pulls out her Colts and fires at them before they can fire at her. She runs and gets hit in the arm before she can get to another cart. Clara glances around at the well-dressed men and women. One man jumps up speaking French and two women crying scared are speaking French as well. Clara keeps moving as Cassidy comes through and shoots toward Clara at the marshals that were about to get the jump on Clara.

“Hurry up.” Clara follows Cassidy and Charles is in the storage cart already. “I have this trunk. I’ll push it off from above.” Cassidy grabs a trunk and leaves.

“I’ll hold back the marshals. We have three minutes. Make them count Clara.” Charles runs back the way they came.

Clara walks up to the biggest wooden trunk ready to carry it to the back door so she can push it out. A man comes up behind her knocking her into the side. She hits him upside the head with her gun. Quickly she turns and lifts one end of the trunk. She freezes at the emblem on the trunk. These men are Frenchmen not Englishmen like the sheriff said. The man she knocked down takes advantage of her lack of focus and grabs her wrapping his arms around her. She yells and tries to stomp his foot to loosen his grip, but she cannot. She struggles wildly just as another man enters the train cart and approaches her with a blade drawn.

Clara kicks up and off of a seat giving her enough lift to reach up and rip into the man’s throat holding her with her teeth. He releases her with a scream and stumbles back. She punches him before turning to the man with the long knife. He’s hesitant to close the distance. Clara spits out pieces of the other man’s throat not bothering to wipe away his blood from her lips and chin. She roars then charges at the man using his moment of fear to topple him down and steal his blade away. Clara proceeds to stab him over and over.

“Clara time is up. We need to go now. We can’t hold back the marshals any longer.” Cassidy grabs a trunk and tosses it out the window then grabs bags of coin from the dead men.

Clara snaps out of her shock and hurries tossing three more trunks out to Albert, Bill, and Lottie. She waits eyeing the right moment to jump then leaps onto her horse gritting her teeth from the harsh impact. She rides hard trusting her horse to get them out of there as a bullet soars past her. “Brother! Come on!” She yells behind her trying to get her wolf to stop eating a man a few yards behind and catch up as the train begins to slow to a stop. The marshals will kill him if he doesn’t run. Thankfully, he runs toward her. She sighs relived but doesn’t slow down.

Once at the meet up point Clara leans against her horse catching her breath. “What the hell was that? The sheriff said there was an English shipment not a French envoy.”

Once she can sit straight up again, she takes out some apples from her saddle bag and feeds her horse.

“We should just kill his wife then kill him.” Bill spits at the wife’s feet then yanks her by the hair.

Cassidy draws her rifle pointing it at Bill. “We’re not going to kill her. Set her free. He didn’t honor the deal so we’re not returning his wife to him.”

“We don’t know what happened. The wife comes back with us. We’ll make decisions once I kick his ass.” Clara leads them back home at a slower pace to give the horses a break.

On the outskirts of town they are approached by a rider on horseback. Clara readies her rifle and trots closer. The sudden rain making it harder to see the rider from such a distance. She lowers her rifle as the rider, Deputy William gets closer. “William what are you doing out here? I almost shot you.”

“Clara you and your posse have to get out of here. The sheriff set you up. The train you robbed had French noblemen and women who are coming to live in town. Some are relatives of Simon and his sister’s betrothed Henry is now the new mayor. The sheriff planned to get his wife back and kill you all so his part in the robbery is not found out. He wants to be mayor and keep the French out.”

“I knew we were set up. Now can we kill this bitch?” Bill points his gun at the sheriff’s wife.

“They won’t be far behind us. We need to go now. The horses won’t last another run.” Lottie pulls up beside Clara.

“Where are we going to go?” Clara shouts. Her mind is racing. What if they killed one of Martha’s relatives? Will she forgive her?”

“Go Clara, take what you stole and run. The sheriff and deputy Lovecraft already raided your house. The rain will make finding you all difficult. Take advantage of the rain.” William implores Clara.

“Thank you, William. I owe you.” Clara pulls the reins to the right and rides away trying to think where they can go and rest up. Lottie was right the horses are run down.


On the next episode Belladonna’s loot is taken and She-Wolf comes to town….

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