Vortex:Chapter 5
November 11, 2020
Vortex:Chapter 6
December 22, 2020
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The Wild Wild West-Ep3

Off To See The Indians

The next day Belladonna casts her sight ahead, chews on her tobacco and spits out for the umpteenth time. She isn’t one to rush out of the arms of beautiful women but the longer she keeps her stolen goods, the quicker she encounters trouble.

“Hurry back Belladonna. Be careful with those savages.” Anna calls out and waves as her and the ladies from the brothel leave. Belladonna smiles titling her hat with a nod.

Being careful is not the plan. Dealing with the Indians carefully has never been a good plan. The reality was, very few people like the idea of venturing into where they call “no man’s land.” It isn’t often a good idea, but nothing about Belladonna encompasses good ideas and in that moment while she waits on Jesse, she imagines just how much she can get for her loot. Trade was tense with the nearby tribe and the Chief was known to be standoffish towards outsiders.

She turns around to see Jesse strolling out with a big grin on his face. He grabs the reigns of his waiting horse and saddles up.

“I thought your dick got stuck. I was getting ready to grab an axe and save you.” She speaks with a slight frown but no malice in her tone. At the sight of his wide eyes she chuckles. “Hurry along, I don’t want to be caught with this load in the mountains at night.”

“Don’t worry we’ll get there in time,” he replies before tilting his head towards the house. “Why the hurry? We can go tomorrow. The ladies were disappointed being rushed off.”

Belladonna cocks her head gently with a raise brow before bursting in laughter. “You mean you were disappointed. You might be the second best gunslinger in town but you are easy prey with your pants down all the time.”

“You’re the second best.” Jesse contends taking out his rifle shooting a bird on the roof of a house a hundred feet away as it takes off midair.

They trot along out of town toward the mountains. “I want my business sorted by tonight.  I have to deal with the savages and don’t need the additional trouble having to wonder if one motherfucker might be tailing my ass to get these damn horses off of me.”

Gunfire gets Belladonna’s attention. She looks over and sees three cowboys chasing a man.

“You still haven’t told me nothin’ about the new arrivals,” she pats her horse on the back and digs her heels into him to move faster. She doesn’t want to grab the attention of the cowboys. “I don’t need my town getting out of my control. They better be praying men if they annoy me a great deal.”

“Nobody knows too much about ‘em yet, but I hear they are on the run from a U.S Marshall,” Jesse replies while he lights a cigar. “Heard this was one of the best lawless towns around. They sadly didn’t realize there was law, you.” He laughs.

“You’re such a sweet talker.” Belladonna smirks wildly across her face while guiding her horse through the woods. “Remind me not to leave you in charge anymore when I leave. You’re absolutely useless. You should have more information. We are not big enough to fight off an army.”

“Stop your worrying. The president will not send an army into the west for some cowboys when they constantly have to deal with the Indians.”

She parts her lips to speak but soon holds her breath before raising her finger to her lips and signals to Jesse to stop moving and to make no more noise. He looks at her in a manner indicating he too notices the odd calm and somewhat eerie feeling now clouding the air. They must be two miles away from town.

Without notice, she whips out her guns from either side of her waist, wraps her legs firmly on the horse’s belly, and gently begins to spread her arms out until she has a perfect aim.

“Hold it,” she whispers underneath her breath and holds a thin smile on her face. “I had a feeling these vultures will come sniffing around the goods soon enough and I was fucking right.”

Taking her time and making sure she has the perfect shot in sight, she squeezed her triggers, and hears the bullets rip right out and travel in blinding speed until she watches two bodies drop to the ground.

“Oh shit!” Jesse dodges bullets shot at him. He tilts his body to the left yanking out a spare pistol tucked into his back and letting rip two fast shots in quick succession. Two more bodies drop.

Belladonna scowls while a wild smile crosses Jesse’s face. He tucks his gun back into his belt behind his back, before winking at her and continuing on. “As I said we need to hurry. Pick up the pace. I think I heard someone running. If those were some of the cowboys, I do not want to protect myself and the horses when back up comes.


We Meet Again


“Those spear slinging crazies!” Jesse cries while he desperately tries to remain on the horse and not fall to the side.

Belladonna looks at her bloody hands, and sighs aloud recognizing they are far off from town and have to ride hard a few minutes more before getting off their land.

“We cannot stop here! Keep on your horse Jesse!” she commands him. “I will rather have a dick up my ass than have some spear from one of those bastards rein me in on their bloody land.”

With the broken spear still hanging out from Jesse’s shoulder, the purse of coin tied to her waist threatening to fall as it rattles, her takes her eyes from in front of her trusting her horse and shoots behind them hoping to slow down their attackers. She misses the sharp blade which just manages to miss her face and lands in front of her horse.

Jesse yanks his horse to the right dodging a tree and rounds the tree back toward the Indians and shoots two down before he is hit with an arrow in the side. His horse rears up on it’s back legs to avoid a spear throwing Jesse off.

“Damn!” Belladonna shouts, brings her horse to a stop, and jumps down giving Jesse cover. They rush behind some trees.

She readies her guns and holds them firmly in both hands while her eyes tears through the increasing darkness for signs of movement.

“Where are they?” she asks in a rather impatient tone. “Those sneaky little bastards.”

“In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to threaten their Chief about snipping his balls,” Jesse groans as he yanks out the arrow and the rest of the spear in his leg while he remains on the ground. He starts to laugh as he tends to his wounds.

Belladonna looks at him momentarily then kicks her foot out at him without taking her eyes away from the pitch darkness. “What isn’t a good idea is getting stuck in the dead of darkness with you bleeding badly! No more games Jesse! All gloves come off with these people! Shoot to kill, not to wound!” she screams without looking at him.

Jesse groans, rolls onto his feet while he wields his gun in the arm opposite his wounded body. His finger squeezes faster than even Belladonna can count; one, two, three, four, and more bodies drop until he empties his round and tosses the gun to the ground. All is quiet. “Happy now?”

Belladonna rolls her eyes and walks back to her horse.

“Behind you!” Jesse screams as Belladonna turns around a little too late to see an Indian jump from behind a log his blade coming right in her face. She is able to grab the blade. The pain waters her eyes. She struggles with keeping the blade from her face.

A loud bang ensues, and the man intent on killing Belladonna falls to the ground immediately. With her heart in her mouth and the sickening thought of death by the hand of the savage, she sighs and looks back at Jesse grateful.

“I’m still the best but thank you,” she shakes her head with a smile and takes a step toward him.

“That wasn’t me,” he rushes to her side and whispers in shock.

Belladonna looks to him confused. “What? If you didn’t shoot this little bugger, then who did?” she asks.

Out of the darkness a voice replies. “That would be me.”

A cold stir rattles Belladonna’s belly but in contrast, a feeling of excitement runs down her spine. She looks ahead towards where the feminine silky voice came and spreads her legs apart with her hands to her waistline, hovering just above her guns.

“It takes two kinds of man or woman to get themselves involved in a fight that has nothing to do with them,” Belladonna smiles to herself while her face holds a straight expression. “It takes either a brave person or an idiot who seeks trouble wherever they can find it.”

She peers her gaze through the darkness which slowly clears away, and spots a blonde woman spearheading a group of cowboys. Not the ones she saw in town earlier. Something about the woman felt familiar.

Staring two lovely looking colts in the face, Belladonna is cautious to attempt to shoot the woman who saved her life. The blonde snickers and reply, “How about both are right?”

Belladonna holds up both hands gently and indicates she doesn’t want trouble. Considering how wounded Jesse is, she isn’t going to place their lives on the line in that very moment.

“Step to the right when I ask you to, and I can take them”, Jesse whispers to her.

She trusts he will be able to but not without risking her own head as they are outnumbered and her savior has her fingers flush against the triggers.

“Hand over your coins or whatever loot you got from the Indians and we will be on our way,” the leader bearing both colts in her hand demands.

Belladonna finds herself facing two options; hand over her loot and still get two bullets in the head, or don’t hand her loot over and still get shot in the head.

“Who are you?” she asks.

If she is to die by the hands of another, she might as well know her name.

“She-Wolf”, The woman supplies without blinking. “Heard of me?”

Indeed, Belladonna has heard some things about the woman. Both grin at the same time as Belladonna boldly walks closer. “I have. I heard you were a lot more fun with the women you encounter.”

“I’m full of surprises.”

“Stop flirting. Fuck her or kill her already. I need sleep.” Albert approaches closer. The others follow suit.

Belladonna’s eyes widen seeing a familiar sandy brown and spotted horse. The horse a woman was riding with a posse of cowboys that just yesterday was trying to intercept the wagons from her. Are these the same cowboys she wonders.

Jesse interrupts. “Looks like you all already have a lot of coin. What’s in the trunks?”

“None of your concern.” She-Wolf glares at Jesse then brings her attention back to Belladonna. “Your coin now. I would hate to kill a beautiful woman. The heavens will surly open up raining down archangels to punish me.”

Belladonna rolls her eyes wanting to punch the other woman for twice now going after her loot, now succeeding. She unties her purse and hands it over. “I hope to see you again.” Her tone was too sweet, dangerously sweet as her eyes cut with promises of vengeance.

She-Wolf and her posse walk pass and Belladonna and Jesse remount their horses. Once they get out of sight she speaks. “I thought She-Wolf was rumored to be raised by Indians, why did she kill one?”

“I’ve heard the same thing, but any greedy person will kill anyone for money. I believe the rumors.” Jesse spits on the ground and groans in pain.

“She did look like a savage.” Belladonna winks at Jesse who laughs. “She’ll have to come through town eventually. I’ll make sure to properly thank her for saving my life. Then kill her. Wolf hide is worth a lot.”

Jesse laughs harder.


On the next episode the history of She-Wolf….



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