The Wild Wild West-Ep3
December 22, 2020
Ascension-High Fantasy genre
April 28, 2021
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Vortex:Chapter 6

I’ve decided to post a chapter a week of my old novel(2011) Vortex. I won’t be editing the story to keep the authenticity of this sharing experiment. You’ll just have to enjoy my young raw developing talent as is.

Copyright © by Jamila A. Stone. Do not copy or repost any parts of content.




Twelve of us go around the city emptying nest out. We cleaned out two nests and a safe house for vampires before arriving at our next destination. We were doing so well we decided to split up in two groups and attack different points of the city. My squad is hitting up a vampire club while the others take on a small venue at the shipping grounds where lots of drug deals and such take place. Vampires love hanging around there. “Don’t hesitate. Anything with fangs meets the end of your barrel. Be sure none of them is going to hesitate in ripping your head off. Let’s keep the causalities to zip.” I make sure my team is ready then we separate. Before we go in we make sure it’s hard for the vamps to get out by using a blow torch to seal the doors then three of us access the water system for the fire sprinklers and pour holy water down there and a cross doing a double blessing. We all come back together and rush in the place and cause a fire at the bar setting off the sprinklers. I stand there and smile as the holy water falls down on the vampires and they scatter like roaches screaming.

“Kill them all!” I take my sword and run at every vampire I see slicing their heads off. I could use a gun but it takes too much time to put them down to just end up cutting their heads off anyways. I don’t think about my teammates knowing what my goal is and trying to focus on them will make me vulnerable to attacks. Quickly I kill seven vampires before I end up in a fight with one. “Ya’ll made a big mistake going after my team.” I duck a punch and swing my sword at the vamp’s abdomen but he jumps out the way and kicks me in the face. I back hand the vampire then kick him in the chest and catch my breath. “I mean dang man, I let ya’ll keep feeding in the shipping grounds.” The vampire looks at me in shock that I knew their secret feeding spot. No one knew except me that particular groups of vampires had made the ground their feeding spot because the hunters never looked there because there was so much gang activity any deaths were assumed gang related. “Too bad now, my team is headed over there now killing you rats.” I take the vampire’s moment of shock to slice his head but I get grabbed from behind and tossed across the room into a wall.

I blacked out but only for maybe two minutes as the fight was still at its peak and we were winning. Slowly I try to stand up but my body feels broken. I stagger up to my feet and know I must have a broken rib or two but I shove the pain down and wipe my tears. I scan the room many vampires have run towards the exits and only a few remain that I can see most of my team but some are missing and I hope they aren’t amongst the bodies on the floor. Worried, I rejoin the fight and kill another vampire before I see a vampire pass me in a blur. I turn around and see Michael killing two of my teammates within seconds and moves towards Isaac I stand still in horror and shock that Michael has recovered so quickly and I now know that the deaths of Bill and Kate are my fault. I see Lance and someone else rush Michael and I know I have to act fast or they’ll be dead. I run fast as I can in agonizing pain from my broken ribs and watch as if in slow motion Michael rips Isaac’s throat then turns around to see Lance and Vince shooting him. Michael charges right at them but I run and jump at Michael and punch him in the face and try to lift my sword and put enough force behind my strike to his head to slice it off but he punches me in my abdomen making me buckle down in pain. I cough up blood and try my hardest to reach down in me and pull out the darkness that lingers in my being and gain strength. Lance and Vince try to fight Michael but their punches aren’t inflicting enough damage. I get back up and shove a hand blade into Michael’s side giving Lance to split second he needs to make a move. A loud explosion goes off as the fire we set when we first entered the club has gotten more ferocious and is spreading fast. The whole place is on fire and Lance takes out a stake in the form of a cross and stabs Michael in the chest with it.

“Eliza run! Get out of here the place is going to blow!” Lance yells at me as he and Vince struggle with chopping Michael’s head off. The smoke is burning my eyes and I don’t have any more strength to fight but I can’t leave Lance he’s been the closest thing I’ve had to a brother. I stand up looking at the fire about to swallow us whole but I through blurry eyes stare right into Lance eyes and we both know. I try to open my mouth but I’m choking on pain. “Now!” Lance yells again his eyes begin to water and I stumble out before a tear can fall. I don’t look back as I try to find a way out but the fire is everywhere. The fire is all around me and I’m too scared to turn around to see Lance and Vince, even Michael burning in the flames. I pick up my speed frantically trying to find an opening in the blaze towards the entrance but find none. I jump on a table to jump over a smaller point of the fire but my ankle twist. I scream in pain as my right ankle is now sprained. Crouched down on the table I start to face the fact I’m not getting out of the place and it’s my fault. If I hadn’t saved Michael so many lives wouldn’t have ended. I stare into the blazing fire in front of me for the first time ever in my life wishing I didn’t have vampire genes. It’s kept me safe in many situations but I always been disconnected from emotions, from people. And now it got me betraying my fellow hunters saving a Master vampire who is now the cause of my demise. The flames are starting to burn me and I don’t move. I’m not afraid of death.

Another explosion happens this time a lot bigger and I’m flown off the table as it takes flight from the force of the explosion. I land by the entrance door but in the flames. Without thinking my feet move themselves fast towards the door and I jump out and roll around on the ground to get out the flames on my pants and jacket sleeve. I stop rolling around once the fire is out and lay on my back. I can’t take a moment to realize I’m alive before I black out.

Waking up I don’t try to move anything but my head. I look around and see that I’m in a hospital. I hate hospitals. I sit up and see I’m heavily bandaged but my body feels a lot better and I start to wonder how long I’ve been knocked out. A few hours wouldn’t be enough time for my body to have healed as it has even with my fast healing. I look at my arm where my jacket had caught on fire and pull off the bandage and see my arm has healed so I begin to take off the rest of the bandages.

“Ma’am please, don’t take those off, you were severely…” A nurse enters my room and tries to get me to stop taking my bandages off and IV but she stops noticing the burns and cuts healed. “How are they healed already?” The nurse gawks at me.

“How long have I been out?” I ask as I get out the bed and stand trying to see if my clothes are anywhere.

“For a little over a day and a half.” We both stare at each other obviously confused but I’m anxious to leave.

“Where’s my clothes.”

“Your friend took them he’s been here the whole time. He might’ve stepped out to eat.” I stop moving around realizing that Zeke might still be alive. He led the other half of the guys to the shipping grounds. I start to have hope my world isn’t completely in ruins but the man I see come into my room isn’t Zeke.

“Michael.” Only a whisper comes out as I stare at him mouth agape not believing he is alive and the one who has been staying in the hospital.

“Hi sweetie, here are some fresh clothes I found at the house.” Michael lays down my clothes on the edge of the hospital bed. I see the clothes are mine and know he did go into my house and if he did he had to have killed Zeke if he was still alive in the first place. The nurse excuses herself to go find the doctor. All I can think about is how to kill Michael.

“My family, you killed my family. You made a mistake not killing me Michael.” I turn around and stare into his eyes anger boiling my blood. As I stare at him an intense hunger overtakes me and my attention is shaken. I don’t understand what’s happening to me. My vampire genes when I’m full of adrenaline give me a surge of energy that leaves me with a slight hunger afterwards but nothing like this. I walk closer to the bed and place my hand on the bed to hold myself up as my blood seems to rush. I look over at Michael who is smiling at me the arrogant bastard. It makes me angry but uncontrollably my body wants to go over to him. My eyes linger from his to his neck and I lick my lips wanting to bite him and drank his blood. The image of biting him make my eyes widen with pure fear and my body goes weak not wanting to think of what I’m thinking. “What did you do?!” I yell at Michael my body starting to shake.

Michael walks over to me and slides his hand down my arm and my body stops shaking and leans against him on its own accord. “Get dressed.” He leaves the room and my body aches from the loss of contact and I just collapse and cry. I cry in frustration, confusion, losing my friends, anger, and cry even harder as I don’t feel human. I hear Michael talking to the doctor telling him that I’m getting dressed. It snaps me back to reality and I put my clothes on fast planning on running out of here to see if Zeke and the others with him survived. ‘You’re not going anywhere. Come out here.” I hear Michael clear in my mind as if he is right next to me. I want to run but I can’t its’ like I have no control over myself. I walk out of the room and stand beside Michael. “Ms. Stone we need you to stay for observation and I would like to examine you before you leave. I told your fiancée that I’m strongly against someone who sustained the amount of injury you did to leave so soon but if you will not listen you’ll end to sign these discharge papers.” I look at the papers considering not signing them so I can give myself more time to figure out what’s happening to me. ‘Sign them or you’ll end up killing everyone here.’ Michael invades my mind again but I scoff not believing him. ‘You mean or you will kill everyone here? I won’t let you anyway.” I notice his jaws clench. I smile at his reaction but keep staring at the papers so the doctor won’t know what’s going on. ‘Sign them!’ His voice in my head bombs through my skull but his words seem to connect with my body once again making me do something I don’t want to do. I sign the papers and leave out the hospital with Michael at my side.

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