25 Days of Christmas Poetry and Short Story Edition-Day 5
December 6, 2021
Maintaining Financial Records: As an author
March 8, 2022
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25 Days of Christmas Poetry and Short Story Edition-Day 11


Tommy sits in his room staring out his window. He looks at the moon with wide curious eyes. He jolts then looks down. Tommy frowns. Mr. Bridges is bending over grabbing bags. Three kids bigger than Tommy stand around laughing. Tommy hops down from the windowsill and runs down stairs grabbing his coat. He thrust his arms in his coat as he runs down the sidewalk.

“Hi, Mr. Bridges.” Tommy sees only his neighborhood. “Do you need help?” He picks up an apple and orange placing them back in a bag on the ground.

“Tommy, what are you doing? You should be in the house. Where are your parents?” Mr. Bridges pushes against his cane as it shakes. He stumbles to the side. “Agh.”

Tommy drops the bag and runs into Mr. Bridges face planting into the man’s rib. “I got ya.” He grabs him and doesn’t let go until he feels less weight baring down on him. He waits for Mr. Bridges to stand upright then goes back to picking up the three bags and spilled containments.

“Everyone is asleep. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about what I should ask for this year for Christmas.”

Mr. Bridges coughs then laughs. “Son, it’s three days away. You haven’t asked Santa for anything yet?”

“Are you alright?” Tommy’s face scrunches as Mr. Bridges coughs some more.

“Yes, I’m alright.” He coughs some more then pops a mint into his mouth. “I would have been fine if those delinquents didn’t shove me down. Come on, let’s get you home.” He takes a small step forward.

Tommy follows next to Mr. Bridges. “I know it’s three days away but I couldn’t think of much. Mom just had Lilly so there’s not much money.” He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s ok though, Sam bought me a bike for my birthday with his summer job money and my sister is back from college so I guess she’ll get me something. That’s two gifts.”

“What all that got to do with Santa?” Tommy looks up and raises his brow at him. He laughs at the young boy. “Ok, so you don’t believe anymore. Listen, you’re too young to be worried about anything such as money kid. Your parents love you and whatever you might have overheard them talking about is not for you to worry about. Christmas is about Jesus Christ’s birth, the greatest gift from God and all the blessings that come. What a priceless gift it was. We celebrate the love He has for us.” He stops walking. “Do you understand? Gifts don’t need to be expensive; they don’t have to cost anything.”

Tommy smiles and nods his head. They walk the rest of the way to Mr. Bridges’ house. “Goodnight.” He hands the bags back to Mr. Bridges.

“Thank you.” He takes the bags and opens the door setting them down. “Remember what I said. Ok? Trust me, when you get older and have kids, you’ll realize how much us parents love taking care of our children. Even if we can’t get everything on their list, the moment of happiness is a gift of itself. Let your parents gift you something. You wouldn’t want them to feel guilty, right?”

Tommy pouts. “I guess not.” He sighs not able to think of a gift that wasn’t expensive. “I want a telescope but they’re a lot of money. I will think, I promise.”

“Good, now run along. I’ll watch you from here.”

Tommy waves and runs across the street and goes inside his house. He runs up to his bedroom and looks out the window. He stares at Mr. Bridges house. Seconds later a smile glows his face. He rushes to his desks and writes a letter to Santa.


Dear Santa,

This Christmas I only want one thing. No toys. Please bring Mr. Bridges over for dinner. He is so lonely and has no family. He is my friend.

Thank you, Santa,





Three days later Tommy drags himself out of bed. His brother is jumping on his bed. “Wake up, wake up Tommy. It’s Christmas!”

He smiles and puts his robe on. “I’m up, calm down.” Tommy glances around his room. Sam had stayed in his room on the floor so Lilly could have his while she’s home but he’s not in his sleeping bag. Tommy walks into the hallway and smiles when he sees Sam come out the bathroom.

“Mom said wait for Lilly to come down.” Sam states leaning on the banister.

“I get her.”

“No, you won’t. How many times dad got to tell you Rich not to go into Lilly’s room?” Sam grabs Richard up off his feet. “She’s a girl you can’t just barge in.” Richard struggles with his short arms.

“Ok, down. Put me down.” Sam puts him down just as Lilly is coming down the stairs from the attic.

“Merry Christmas.” She says and the boys reply back in a chorus.

They all go down the steps.

Tommy watches his little brother and sister open their gifts. He smiles when his older brother and sister give him wrapped boxes. He opens them. He got a remote control car from Sam and astrology books and space movies from Lilly. “Thanks, you, guys. Oh, wait. I’ll be right back. I have something for everyone.”

“You haven’t opened our gift yet Tommy.” He doesn’t stop at his mother’s words and runs to the back yard where he hid a bag in the grill. He runs back inside. He drops the bag.

“Merry Christmas Tommy.”

Tommy smile reaches his eyes. “Mr. Bridges.” He runs over to him and hugs him. The force rocks the recliner. “When did you get here?”

He laughs. “Santa delivered me a few minutes ago. Your parents wanted to surprise you so I hid in the powder room.”

Tommy hugs his parents.

“Santa thought it’ll be better Mr. Bridges spent the whole day with us not just dinner.” His father pats his head.

“Sweetie you have one more gift. It’s from your father and I.” His mom stands up and goes behind the tree. It’s a big box he didn’t notice before. Maybe they hid that too.

He rips the paper with the help of his brothers. “Woah!!! You got me a telescope!” He screams. “Thank you!” He hugs his parents then rushes back to the box reading what he could on the box. His parents clean up the paper while Lilly plays with their baby sister and his brothers play with the toys. Tommy looks at Mr. Bridges. He winks at Tommy and smiles back.

Tommy stands and jumps into his lap giving him a hug. “Thank you.”

“It wasn’t me. I paid only half, they paid for the rest.” He whispers to Tommy. “Thank you for my gift.”

“It was all Santa.”

They laugh.

“Come on. Let’s put this thing together.”

Tommy looks at his family then over to the nativity scene on a table by the window next to them. His eyes land on the baby Jesus figurine. “Thank you.” He whispers.





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