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Find the music in you

The Not-Ready-For-Juilliard PlayersThe Not-Ready-For-Juilliard Players by Eileen P. Duggan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Critically 2.5 to 3 stars but personally as a reader reading for fun 4 stars

A cozy “mystery” that truly keeps you guessing. If that’s good or not with this story you’ll have to decide for yourself. It takes 25 chapters before the mystery be is hinted at so that’s a potential draw back of the book. I was entertained and happily engaged by the main characters and their music classes that I forgot about the plot/blurb and went for the ride. Only until chapter 23 did I wake out of hypnosis and question when the plot will start and my question was soon answered in the next couple of chapters. But then another large span of no hints or scenes of a mystery element or the blurb until the end of chapter 39.

The pace by ch 23 was faster, skipping chunks of time which was good for the story but was a disappointment for me as I had been spoiled by all the details of the main characters’ day to day and music details.

If you have not played or wanted to play an instrument you will while reading this book. I recommend listening to the music mentioned in the book. It’s been so long since I enjoyed a story to the point I read it within two days maintaining a smile on my face or laughing with the characters. This is a great feel good story but not a mystery. Wrongly categorized or plot wrongly written out.

The rising action of the story doesn’t happen until ch 43 right when the book is ending in 4 more chapters. What happens with Dickinson is terrible and yet the characters don’t all talk about it or file a report and it’s completely passed over until the last chapter as we get the answer to the “mystery”. Too rushed

Lynnea, Erin, Holly, and Austin all had their own spotlight, their own solo to make sure the reader felt connected to the main characters. It’s very difficult for me to pick a favorite because I feel connected to each of them.

In the end we find out who killed Dickson but there was no real lead up to it. If you’re looking for a mystery this isn’t for you but I do recommend the book nonetheless.

I would categorize this book as chick lit, women’s fiction. I would re read this book and for that it is a success

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